Comparing Our Boiling Water Taps

Tom Volpe November 15, 2022

When it comes to boiling water taps, it can be difficult to decipher what features each tap type has. From flexible spouts to filters, there can be a world of difference between a budget tap and a premium one, so we’re making it easy to decide by comparing each of our boiling taps.

Boiling tap comparison



Spout style


Carbon filter

Cold water filter

Pull-out hose?


Hanstrom 3-in-1 Swan

from £449



Hanstrom 3-in-1 Square

from £450



Hanstrom 3-in-1 Traditional

from £469

Traditional (Swan)


Verana 3-in-1 Square

from £499



Hanstrom 4-in-1 Square

from £599



Hanstrom 4-in-1 Swan

from £599



Hanstrom 3-in-1 Flex

from £749




What is the difference between a 3-in-1 and 4-in-1 boiling tap?

All of our boiling water taps are capable of dispensing cold, hot and 98°C water, straight from the spout. However, 4-in-1 taps are capable of dispensing cold, filtered water, too. This means you and your family can drink crystal-clear water, free from impurities and unwanted minerals. This additional technology means 4-in-1 taps are a slightly higher price than 3-in-1 taps, but for many homeowners, it’s more than worth the additional cost. Don’t forget that you can split the cost of your tap into three interest-free payments with Klarna.

Is a boiling water tap safe?

Our boiling water taps come with a spring-loaded safety handle, which means the boiling water function can’t be turned on accidentally or left on while you go somewhere else. The boiler tank and spout are also insulated, which means they don’t get as hot as the water running through them. You should still take sensible measures to prevent unwanted burns, such as supervising children when they’re in the kitchen.

How does a boiling water tap work?

Your new tap will arrive with everything you need to get it up and running. The main components are the spout/tap body, boiler tank and filter. The boiler tank is powered by a regular mains socket and plugged into your water mains. It works by heating the water to your specified temperature and maintaining it there. When you use the boiling water function, the water is pulled up and through the spout. The filter provided will either work with just the boiler tank or with both your boiler tank and mains water supply, removing impurities and ensuring your system has a longer lifespan. Read more about it here: How a Boiling Water Tap Works.

Are you ready to transform the way you cook and clean forever?
Shop our 3-in-1 taps collection here.
Shop our 4-in-1 taps collection here.
Shop for flex boiling water taps here.