The Science of Water: 10 H20 Facts to Fuel Your Curiosity

Deepblue Direct August 13, 2022

Think you know everything there is to know about water? Think again! In this blog post, we'll explore some interesting and little-known facts about our favourite molecule. From its unique physical properties to its importance in the natural world, water is endlessly fascinating. So dive in and learn something new today!

80% of the earth’s surface is water

It's no secret that water is essential to life. Not only do we need it to drink, but it is also necessary for cooking, cleaning, and growing crops. Water is so important that humans have long been drawn to its shores, settling near rivers, lakes, and oceans. Today, more than half of the world's population lives within 60 miles of the coast. Given its importance to our survival, it's not surprising that water covers such a large portion of the earth's surface. Nearly four-fifths of the planet is covered in water. However, less than one per cent of this water is fresh and available for human use. The rest is either saltwater or locked up in ice caps and glaciers. As the world's population continues to grow, we must find ways to conserve this precious resource.

66% of the human body is water a glass of water for human

It's no secret that the human body is mostly water. In fact, according to recent studies, about 66% of the average person's weight is water. This means that every single one of us is made up of literally billions of tiny water droplets. But what exactly does this water do? And why do we need so much of it?

Water plays a crucial role in many of the body's essential functions. For example, water helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, remove waste products from the body, and keep joints and organs lubricated. Furthermore, water helps to regulate body temperature and provides a medium in which chemical reactions can take place. In short, without water, the human body would simply not be able to function.

So, the next time you take a sip of water, remember that you're not just quenching your thirst—you're also helping to keep your entire body healthy and functioning properly.

Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C

Water is a remarkable substance. It is essential for life, yet it can also be incredibly destructive. It exists in all three states of matter, and it can change between those states at extremely high or low temperatures. At 0°C water freezes and becomes ice. This change is caused by the water molecules slowing down and becoming more ordered as they lose energy. The resulting ice is less dense than liquid water, so it floats on the surface. At 100°C water boils and becomes steam. This change is caused by the water molecules gaining energy and moving faster. The resulting steam is less dense than liquid water, so it rises into the air. These properties make water an essential part of our climate and our lives.

A litre of water weighs 1KG

A litre of water weighs 1 kilogram. This may seem like a simple fact, but it has some interesting implications. The weight of the water can also affect the way objects float in it. For instance, an object that is less dense than water will float on the surface, while a denser object will sink to the bottom. The density of an object is determined by its mass and volume - so if you have two objects that have the same mass but different volumes, the one with the smaller volume will be denser and will sink.

Water regulates the earth's temperature

Water is a remarkable substance. Not only is it essential for all life, but it also plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's temperature. Water can absorb and store large amounts of heat, making it an important buffer against temperature extremes. When the weather is hot, water evaporates from the surface of the Earth and rises into the atmosphere, where it forms clouds. These clouds reflect sunlight into space and help to cool the planet. Similarly, when the weather is cold, water vapour in the atmosphere condenses into clouds and falls back to Earth as precipitation. This release of heat helps to warm the planet. In this way, water acts as a thermostat for the Earth, helping to maintain a stable temperature.

Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms (gas, liquid and solid)

All life on Earth depends on water. Not only is water essential for human survival, but it is also necessary for the health of ecosystems. Without water, plants would wither and die, animals would dehydrate and perish, and the world would be a very different place. Interestingly, water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms: gas, liquid and solid. While all three forms are essential to life on Earth, it is the liquid form that is most abundant and important. The gaseous form, steam or water vapour, is necessary for the Earth's climate to regulate itself. The solid form, ice, helps to reflect sunlight and creates a cooling effect. However, it is the liquid form of water that makes up the majority of the Earth's surface and that sustains all life on our planet. From countless lakes and rivers to the vast oceans, water in its liquid form is essential to all life on Earth.

97% of the world's water is in oceans and seas
clear water

The world's oceans contain 97% of the Earth's water supply, making them an essential source of life for both humans and animals. The oceans play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate, providing homes for a vast array of plant and animal life, and generating oxygen that we need to breathe. However, the oceans are under threat from human activity, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. As a result, we must protect this vital resource. One way to do this is to reduce our reliance on plastic. Every year, eight million tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean, harming marine life and polluting the water. By reducing our use of plastic, we can help to protect the oceans for future generations.

Only 1% of the world's water is suitable for drinking water

It is no secret that water is essential for life. Every day, we need water to drink, cook, clean, and even simply stay cool in the summer heat. Yet, despite its importance, water is often taken for granted. After all, it seems like there is an endless supply of it. However, the truth is that only a tiny fraction of the world's water is suitable for human consumption. The rest is either too polluted or too salty. As a result, we must conserve the world's limited supply of fresh water. One way to do this is by reducing our water usage. For example, we can take shorter showers, turn the faucet off while brushing our teeth, and water our plants during the cooler hours of the day. By making a few small changes in our daily routine, we can help to preserve this vital resource for future generations.

NASA has discovered water in the form of ice on the moon

For years, NASA has been searching for evidence of water on the moon. While previous missions had found tentative evidence of water vapour in the atmosphere, it was not until the recent Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission that water in the form of ice was finally confirmed. This discovery has major implications for future lunar exploration, as ice can be used for drinking water and making rocket fuel. In addition, the presence of water ice on the moon increases the chances that other forms of life may exist there as well. As NASA continues to explore our closest celestial neighbour, they may yet find even more evidence of water and perhaps even some answers to the long-standing question of whether or not we are alone in the universe.

There is more fresh water in the atmosphere than in all of the rivers on the planet combined

Many people take the Earth's freshwater resources for granted, assuming that there is an unlimited supply. However, according to recent estimates, only 3% of the water on the planet is freshwater, and of that, two-thirds is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves less than 1% of the world's water available for human use.

The majority of the remaining fresh water is found in underground aquifers, with only a small amount flowing in rivers and lakes. Even though it may not seem like it, the atmosphere contains a significant amount of freshwater. In fact, according to some estimates, there is more water vapour in the atmosphere than in all of the world's rivers combined. While most of this water is inaccessible to humans, it plays an important role in the Earth's water cycle, providing a crucial source of fresh water for plants and animals.


Water: How much should you drink every day?

Water is essential for life and helps to regulate bodily functions. It flushes toxins from the body, lubricates joints, and provides a medium for chemical reactions. The human body is about 60% water, so it's important to replenish lost fluids throughout the day. It's recommended to drink at least six to eight 8 glasses of water per day, though you may need more or less depending on your health, diet, and level of activity.

Is water the only option for staying hydrated?

No, many fluids can help to keep you hydrated. In addition to water, fruit juices, sports drinks, and even coffee and tea can contribute to your daily fluid intake. However, it's important to limit your intake of sugary beverages as they can cause weight gain and other health problems. When choosing a drink, water is always the best option as it is calorie-free and contains no sugar.

How do I know if I'm drinking enough?

A good general rule is to drink when you're thirsty. However, if you're exercising or working in a hot environment, you may need to drink more than usual to replace lost fluids. Other signs of dehydration include dry mouth, headache, and fatigue. If you're concerned that you're not drinking enough water, talk to your doctor.


Water is an essential part of life and has been used as a tool throughout history. It’s important to know how much water you should drink every day and the different ways that you can use water to improve your life. With so many facts about water, we hope you feel more interested in this natural resource and will take steps to conserve it. What fact about water surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!

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